A tooth is one of the most important things we use every day, and caries are a common problem that can cause dental problems. One way to address this situation is through teeth restoration by using dentures or dental crowns and bridges. Dental crowns and bridges are approved for restoring the integrity of natural looking teeth that have been damaged by erosion or decay, allowing them to be restored so they look like their natural state. You can browse here for more information.

Dental crowns and bridges are also used for cosmetic reasons, and are implemented as part of cosmetic dental procedures. This is because dental crowns have the ability to give your teeth a natural healthy appearance. Dental crowns and bridges have many advantages over dentures, including the fact that they are made from durable materials that will not break like the majority of dentures. A variety of materials can be used to make dental crowns such as porcelain, metal, ceramic or plastic.

The Procedure for Dental Crowns and Bridges

Your dentist will start with the preparation of your tooth so that it can house a dental crown or bridge. Usually, there will be some kind of cavity present, which makes it easier for your dentist to insert a dental restoration. Your dentist can then use dental crowns or bridges to stabilize the tooth and restore its shape. Once the restoration is in place, your dentist will cement it to the tooth and then create a temporary cap. This is so it will be easier for you to bite and chew without becoming too sore. The dentist can then remove the temporary cap and finalize the restoration by placing a crown or bridge onto your tooth.

If your dental crown or bridge is going to be made from porcelain, metal or plastic, your dentist will then take a cast of your tooth so that a mold can be made out of it. This is so that the restoration will fit perfectly, and then the porcelain, metal or plastic can be formed around it. If you have a dental bridge, your dentist might also take a mold of the remaining tooth to assist in making the bridge. After this, the restoration is molded in place with special cement. At this point, your dentist will check how it fits and then remove your temporary cap and finalize your dental restoration.

By Yna