Everyone has “blood pressure”, this simply refers to how blood pushes against the artery walls as your heart pumps. However, one in every three adults has high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Blood flows more forcefully through the arteries in people with high blood pressure than it should. When you exercise or are stressed, your blood pressure naturally rises. However, if your blood pressure is too high even when you are resting and remains too high for too long, it can stretch and damage your arteries. High blood pressure can cause a variety of health problems, including heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, memory loss, and cognitive decline. A healthy lifestyle is thought to be the best way to keep blood pressure within the recommended range. Everyone can try am i over my crush quiz. How to go about it:
- Maintain a healthy weight: The higher your body mass index (BMI), the more likely it is that you will develop high blood pressure. Consult your doctor about your BMI and aim for the normal weight range for your height.
- Keep track of your blood pressure: Take your blood pressure frequently at home and bring a blood pressure log with you to the doctor. It is especially critical if you are over 40, overweight, sedentary, or have a family history of heart disease or high blood pressure.
- Consume heart-healthy foods: This includes a diet high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean protein, as well as a low sodium and alcohol intake. Eat Smart provides practical ideas for heart-healthy eating.
- Get or stay in shape: Being physically active helps you maintain a healthy weight and lower your risk of developing a variety of heart problems. You can also try with some am i over my crush quiz.
- Don’t smoke, or if you do, stop: Cigarette smoking causes blood vessel damage.
- Learn healthy stress management techniques: Many people find yoga, meditation, music, and tai chi to be beneficial.