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pennsylvania energy choice is one of the most active deregulated electricity markets in the country and offers utility customers the ability to shop for a provider that can lower their supply rates each month. Almost 1.7 million Pennsylvania residents are taking advantage of this opportunity by selecting an alternative supplier to help lower their overall utility bill. This option is known as PA Energy Choice or PA Power Switch and can be done quickly and easily online at the official website of the state’s Public Utility Commission, www.PAPowerSwitch.com.

PA Power Switch is the official electricity shopping website of the state’s Public Utility Commission (PUC). It allows residents to choose their own electric supplier and rate. The program also lets consumers see the prices of competing suppliers on a per-kilowatt-hour basis, helping them find top deals on their electric service.

When Pennsylvania’s retail electricity market opened up, companies like PECO, Penelec and PennPower were still the main providers in the state, but they could not compete with other energy suppliers offering rates on their products and services that were much lower than local utility company pricing. This changed in 2009, when legislation was passed to remove the PUC’s mandated local electric rate caps and allow PA customers the opportunity to choose their own retail energy supplier that would provide them with competitive rates on their energy service.

As a result, many new retail energy suppliers began to emerge in the market, all seeking to attract Pennsylvania customers with low rates on their supply plans. While some of these companies offer traditional fixed-rate supply plans, others may have more unique offerings such as short and long-term contract solutions or green/renewable energy options.

The process of switching your supplier is quick and easy – and best of all, it won’t interrupt or affect your service in any way. Your local utility will continue to deliver your electricity safely to your home or business, and you will receive just one monthly bill with the name of your new supplier as well as any other perks or services that come with your plan.

While PA Power Switch is a great resource for discovering the latest electricity rates and suppliers in your area, you can find more detailed information by visiting a site such as ElectricRate. Its comprehensive database includes information on the three primary components of your power bill – generation, transmission and distribution – and can be sorted by zip code, supplier, price or type of plan.

Once you have found the perfect plan for your home or business, you can easily sign up online. Your new PA energy supplier will handle all of the required paperwork for you and your new account will be up and running in no time at all. Just make sure to check with your utility provider if you have any questions about the process or need assistance with a service issue. In many cases, your utility can provide you with a solution for problems that cannot be resolved by your chosen energy supplier.

By Yna